Welcome to Audio On-Hold!
We are a small company based in the mountains surrounding Reno, NV, whose sole purpose is to produce the most outstanding on-hold messaging you've ever heard. Our main focus is your unconditional satisfaction and we do whatever it takes to achieve it.
When Audio On-Hold works together with you or your representatives, you can be assured of: - Our undivided focus on whatever goal you want to achieve- Are you ready for quality customer service? We treat you as we wish you would treat us: We're responsive to your calls, and we make every effort to perform as you would expect us to. Since we are a very small company, every single one of our customers is an "important account" to us and we will go out of our way to assure your satisfaction.
- Network quality productions. We are very careful about our productions and we won't let them out the door unless they meet our constantly expanding expectations. We use only the highest quality (read- expensive) licensed music to embrace our dynamic messaging.
- Scripting which utilizes the theater of your caller's mind in order to create a visual image which will effectively convey your message to your caller
- Choice of updateable or non-updateable programs- And you are never forced into any long term contracts
- Unconditional Satisfaction or your money back
Do you represent a Telephone Interconnect Company?
We are a very small company interested in expanding our area and we are looking for a few good interconnects who are interested in representing our services. Feel free to contact us 775-560-9330 to discuss what Audio On-Hold can do for you.